Tuesday, August 11, 2009

back in the m.stein

So here we are... Stateside. And here I've been since July 13th so I'm just a wee bit behind schedule with this post. I think jet lag and "just life" take the blame. I've read more than enough plotless yet utterly satisfying romance novels, caught up on all the High School Musical movies, acknowledged most family members and not enough friends, and have even managed to dislocate my knee cap over the weekend whilst dancing... (my doctors have requested footage of my "break" dancing). So I guess regardless of my location, life is never dull. Someday. 

What's next you wonder? My African friends claim that I am an African in an American body... but much to their disappointment, my intention is stay Stateside for quite some time longer. It is good to be home. Good to be surrounded by such an amazing support network.  Good to smell the sweet alfalfa scent in summertime... listen to country music... drive on the RIGHT side of the road... marvel at the Midwestern accent... sure I will miss Africa. I already do but Mama Africa is just going to have to take the back-burner for a little while longer. I will be back - but not today or tomorrow.

Today's game plan - solve the mystery of the TV...  I can't seem to figure out how to switch it from DVD to TV mode... digital... analog... 20 remote controls... When did TV viewing get to be so complicated?

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