I noticed that I’ve been lagging in communication…
Here are a few posts from the archive that didn’t get the publish nod initially…
It's been a something-kind-of- month. Words -English, Portuguese-Shangaan-or otherwise -elude me. I can't even seem to find music these days to fit my mood. Aye aye aye. So two weeks ago, about 3 now around 9/11, my grandmother had a stroke. The kind that knocks you straight into a coffin. Except she held on for 2 weeks. I received news by email from my father. Receiving such news is never good timing. For me it was mid-day just prior to the arrival of a client. So I held on saw the client through and then made it an early night at work, went home, downloaded and used Skype for the first time to make the call home. I was close to my grandmother; she is much to blame for my traveling ways. I think she owned and could quote every National Geographic from 1950 onward. One of the few who could longitudinally/latitudinally locate Mozambique without a blink of the eye. And probably the last person to receive a postcard from me. Hearing and now dealing with the news of her impending and subsequent death I can only liken to an experience I had as an 8 year old. Somehow that year my family came about acquiring a skateboard. One of those used but new-to-you toys. I remember getting on it thinking how cool I was, moving not terribly gracefully but moving forward nonetheless and suddenly, no warning, WHAM on my back, wind completely knocked out of me. I stumbled over to my dad who asked what had happened. And though I knew exactly what happened, I could say absolutely nothing. The words had been knocked out of me. I could only gesture. That gesture led to my father taking the skateboard out with the trash. The analogy continues with my siblings becoming upset with me and then me becoming more so, etc. So I must confess if I haven't already, it's been a rather difficult 2 weeks. Luckily there have been some distractions. Last weekend, I took an 8 hour road-trip to Durban, South Africa for a rugby match. We had a fun time in spite of (or perhaps because of) the pouring down rain as we played. This past weekend was spent in Swaziland at an oh-so-much-needed-tranquil game reserve. One of the few in Africa in which one is allowed to walk freely among the animals. There are no lions, rhinos, elephants, or hippos in the park...whew. One only needs to be wary of crocs, black mumbas (southern africa's most aggressive and poisonous snake), and foul-mood warthogs. I saw all 3. Limbs and sanity still intact. Blood pressure still wavering. While I wish I were home right now, watching the leaves begin to change and being with my family, I still recognize the reasons for being here. Solace in my surroundings is hard to find but lately I've been discovering some diamonds in the rough, in myself. So I wait until Christmas to be reunited in my family when holiday time and funds are more accommodating.
Today marks the day of my grandmother’s funeral. Being part of a family that’s so close, though no longer geographically, it’s difficult for me to grasp my inability to be part of such significant family function, the celebration of my grandma’s life. In some ways, I think my present grieving state stems more from my distance than my grandmother’s passing. Or perhaps her death was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I think I was emotionally exhausted long before I received news of her sudden illness. Leaving “home” at 5:30am and returning at 9:30pm does little to keep a person rejuvenated. At least now when I ooze with emotion, I have something more animate to lay blame to. Death warrants tears and tissues, tiring of a workaholic lifestyle apparently does not.
Tashi delek, bom dia!! I suspect you are all alive and well and perhaps downing your share of foreign-labeled beer. FYI, the brand of Mozambique is Laurentina. You even see old geezers playing checkers (with blue and red beer tabs) on recycled Laurentina cardboard boxes. I made the mistake once of ordering it in South Africa and got the look I get when I try to speak Portuguese to taxi drivers. Then again I also receive perplexed looks when I ask for water in South Africa. Apparently, British English is the only accepted English accent this part of the world. And to think that I'm suppose to be the speech therapist! I'm the one forever being enlightened as to the 'proper' way of saying things, particularly by my Brit housemate, i.e.:
- tea = the beverage as well as the evening dinner (learned through a very confusing conversation, something to the effect of me trying to convey that caffeine at 8pm is not conducive to sleep and my housemate countering that you sleep better with food in your tummy…)
- see you now = see you later
- see you now now = see you soon
- in a trice = in a minute
- midnight feast = late evening snack filled with sugary sweets
- robot = stoplight
- nappy = diaper
- Dutchmen = well-rounded men (physically) who fancy hunting, wearing 2-toned shirts, and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol whilst watching rugby. They consider chicken a vegetable (description based on true stories).
- loo = restroom
- jersey = coat/jacket
- vest = sleeveless/tank top
Frequent use of "keen" and "lovely" comparable to the adolescent usage of "like."
"Quite" replaces 'really.'
"If you're KEEN, you can ask your friend to go with us to the beach. It's quite LOVELY this time of year." "I think she was quite KEEN on going next week with her family. They are LOVELY people."
When I was in India this past summer one of my professors had flip flop paranoia (called "slops" here) Well…. Healthcare 101. If you have a cut on your foot, ugly or not, cover 'em up. My friend's foot was swollen, a tad on the warm side, in pain, yet she was convinced it was from 'walking on it funny.' Foot with cut + swollen appearance + warm to the touch = INFECTION! If you ever find yourself matching this equation and you're in a 3rd world location (Miami's Student Health Center may fit this description), soak your foot in salt water (bucket of warm water + good dosage of salt, i.e. 1 cup), dry, put honey on gauze over the wound to draw out the infection (bacteria like honey), then find the nearest healthcare provider and get yourself on an antibiotic and don't don the "slops!" I may be a hypocrite by sporting flip-flops daily but my feet are at least laceration-free…
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